Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council

Please Note: OMSDC will be closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Jan. 20, and will reopen at 9:00 a.m. EST on Jan. 21.



A subscription is an agreement to receive or be given access to affiliate products or services.


Certified MBEs in good standing will not be required to provide supporting or “required documents,” due to the fact that ALL certified MBEs will be in the national database and will be available for each NMSDC member to source. The affiliate council staff will confirm that the certified MBE is in good standing. Then, affiliate council staff will present the services made available to the certified MBE.

There will be no affiliate council Board or Executive Committee review of final reciprocal applications approval, since there will be no more reciprocal services, and all subscriptions will be available to be marketed to any certified MBE, including home-certified MBEs.

The subscription service period for the certified MBE will be equivalent to the certification period it has with its home affiliate council. For example, if Company X is certified in Georgia with GMSDC from January 30, 2019 until January 30, 2020, then the subscription expiration date in Houston with HMSDC should also expire on the same date as the GMSDC certificate — January 30, 2020.

Any certified MBE requesting subscription services acceptance within 60 days of their certification expiring at their home affiliate councils will be asked to withhold their request until recertification is completed.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Ohio MSDC Certification Staff  via e-mail:

Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council –  MBE Services
[email protected]


  • Access to top corporate purchasing agents;
  • Premium business connection outings and networking events;
  • Region or industry-specific newsletters
  • Vital introductions to nationally known corporations
  • Specialized procurement conferences & Trade Fairs
  • Supplier Diversity summits and roundtables
  • Professional development fellowships



If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Ohio MSDC Certification Staff  via e-mail:

Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council –  MBE Services
[email protected]